The ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" Fellowship Programme

Current Fellows (14)

Fellow Hosting ERCIM Institutes (scientists)
[NG] Abayomi-alli, Adebayo INESC TEC
(Ademar Aguiar) 01/06/24 - 31/05/25
(Artur Jorge da Silva Rocha) 01/06/25 - 31/05/26
[TN] Bahrouni, Sabri University of Warsaw - Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics
(Iwona Chlebicka) 01/01/25 - 30/09/25
[IN] Bartwal, Naman Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics
(Jörg Kuhnert) 01/01/25 - 31/12/25
[IN] Ghosh, Mridul Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits
(Roland Fischer) 01/11/24 - 31/10/25
[IN] Gupta, Nishu VTT
(Jukka Mäkelä) 01/04/24 - 31/03/25
[ID] Hendarmawan, Hendarmawan RISE
(Shahid Raza) 01/05/24 - 30/04/25
[DE] Kurz, Marius CWI
(Benjamin Sanderse) 01/05/24 - 30/04/25
[DZ] Laidi, Roufaida NTNU
(Ilangko Balasingham) 01/04/23 - 31/03/25
[IN] Nath, Pallab kumar Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits
(Marco Breiling) 01/01/24 - 31/12/24
[IN] Sambangi, Ramesh Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits
(Markus Eppel) 01/04/24 - 31/03/25
[EG] Saudi, Ali Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology
(Hanna Lukashevich) 01/07/23 - 30/06/25
[IN] Sethia, Gautam Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
(Martin Ufert) 01/08/23 - 31/07/25
[IN] Sk, Md obaidullah Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits
(Roland Fischer) 01/11/23 - 31/10/24
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits
(Roland Fischer) 01/11/25 - 31/10/26
[TN] Soula, Arbia ITIS
(Pedro Merino Gómez) 01/03/24 - 28/02/25

Fellows who have terminated their grant are on the list of former fellows

Fellows starting soon (7)

Fellow Hosting ERCIM Institutes (scientists)
[IT] Atzori, Andrea Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research
(Florian Kirchbuchner) 01/04/25 - 31/03/26
[IN] Francis, Jobin Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research
(Philipp Wree / (assist.) Christoph Reinhardt) 01/03/25 - 28/02/26
[IR] Kheirkhah ravandi, Zahra Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing
(Mehrnaz Anvari) 01/09/25 - 31/08/26
[CN] Lu, Changqing CWI
(Marie-Colette van Lieshout) 01/03/25 - 28/02/26
[AR] Ocampo, Nicolás benjamín CWI
(Laura Hollink) 01/04/25 - 31/03/26
[IN] Singh, Ajit CNR - Istituto di Informatica e Telematica
(Raffaele Bruno) 01/03/25 - 28/02/26
[TR] Yildiz, Mehmet akif CWI
(Daniel Dadush) 01/03/25 - 28/02/26